Sunday, December 7, 2008

Car Steals Light at Climate Change Conference

The Climate change Conference in Poland started this week. But stealing the limelight was Louis Palmer who arrived at the Conference in a solar powered car he had just driven "around the world" to be at the conference.

While the trip was augmented by some charging from the grid - the designers of the car claim that it could be mass produced for as little as 14,000 euros (including the panels, which may soon get cheaper).

Next year, Palmer plans to extend the cars range of sources by using, possibly, hydro, geothermal and wind energy. To showcase these extensions he is planning a follow up trip involving 5 more cars, traveling around the world in 80 days.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

From the sublime to the ridiculous

Everyone wants to be an eco-warrior these days.

This story
from the Sun in England (so it must be true) outlines one man's plans to create a modern day Noah's Ark.

At the other end of the scale, a student has managed to charge his iPod using an onion soaked in Lucozade... apparently.

So, assuming there's enough room to grow onions and manufacture Lucozade on the Eco Island, we'll still be able to listen to our music - if you're lucky enough to be one of the 50,000 on the island, I guess.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Worst floods in 22 years

I read a comment at the bottom of an article the other day that said "none of the predictions, not a single one, of impending doom, from climate scientists, has come true".

Now, putting aside the argument that once they do come true, it's too late for all of us...

I can't really be bothered going back to find the article in question - but it was an article referencing some of the mistakes recently made regarding monthly world average temperatures, and claiming that these mistakes were proof that climate scientist's other claims were all bunkum...

To the writer of the original article, and the writer of the comments below it - I would simply like to send this.

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New Wind Turbine for Cities

For more details see their presentation PDF - Contact Mike Hess - or see the official web site.

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Hot for Solar

Well it's all about Solar today.

For an interesting coverage of some of the common energy myths that need busting The Guardian has released an interesting article - with their top 10 list.

In it they quote the statistic that "solar panels capture only 10% or so of the sun's energy" - however Reuters would beg to differ. Not only do they claim that "Current solar panels ... absorb only about two-thirds of available sunlight" but, more importantly they are also reporting that "surfaces treated with a coating developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, can harvest 96.2 percent of sunlight".

Whatever the truth about today's panels - hopefully the news regarding the coating is reliable.

Find the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy - or visit their web site.

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